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Saturday, 12 June 2010

汉王正式推出两款平板电脑TouchPad B10、TouchPad B20 Kingship launched two new Tablet PC TouchPad B10, TouchPad B20

(May 18, 2010 Beijing) on May 18, "Kingship TouchPad Tablet PC to create a new pattern of public conference" held in Beijing, Hanwang Technology released its two high-profile tablet TouchPad B10, TouchPad B20. 汉 王科技董事长刘迎建、总裁张学军、副总裁张健等高管和英特尔中国区总裁杨叙、微软OEM事业部大中华区总经理李翔等汉王TouchPad的数十家合作伙伴 的嘉宾出席了此次发布会。 Liu Yingjian Hanwang Technology chairman, president and Zhang Xuejun, Zhang Jian, vice president and other executives, and Yang, president of Intel China, Syria, Greater China general manager of Microsoft's OEM Division, Xiang Li Hanwang TouchPad dozens of other partners, the guests attended the the conference. 汉王科技将新上市的平板电脑目标人群定义为新商务人士,并同时直接将竞争矛头直指苹果公司 的iPad。 Hanwang Technology new target groups listed on the definition of tablet PCs for the new business people, and also directly to the competition directed at Apple iPad.
平板电 脑在中国具有广阔的市场空间 Tablet PC market in China has a vast space
“苹果推出iPad 在西方市场非常成功,无疑可看出平板电脑具有非常广阔的市场空间,它以其轻薄外形设计和更加人性化的便捷操作,备受广大消费者推崇和青睐。” 张学军在发布会上,表示了对平板电脑市场前景的乐观和信心。 "Apple iPad very successful in Western markets, will no doubt see the Tablet PC has a very broad market space, it is its slim profile design and a more personalized and convenient operation, highly respected and popular consumers." Zhang Xuejun the release of At the meeting, said the Tablet PC market outlook of optimism and confidence. 有 数据显示,苹果iPad开卖一个月,全球销量已突破100万台,而由于苹果iPad的拉动,全球平板电脑销量已经过千万台。 Statistics show that Apple iPad started selling a month, the global sales volume has exceeded one million units, and because Apple iPad pull, the world's Tablet PC sales have been 10 million units.
iPad凭 借娱乐功能、时尚设计及苹果家族强大的人气,一经面世即受人们的追捧,并在全球范围掀起一场平板电脑热潮。 iPad with entertainment, fashion design and the popularity of Apple's family of powerful, once available that is sought after by the people and lead to a Tablet PC around the world boom. 然而随着使用 者增多,对于iPad的质疑也纷至沓来:譬如iPad单纯强化了音乐、游戏等娱乐功能,却缺乏主流人群所需要的Office办公功能;而且 iPad缺乏电脑必要的外设接口,包括最基本的USB数据接口和投影输出接口等,大大降低了使用方便性。 However, with more users, the iPad's query after another: for example iPad simply reinforced the music, games and other entertainment features, but the lack of mainstream people need Office office functions; and iPad lack the necessary computer peripheral interfaces, including the most basic The USB data interface and projection output interfaces, which greatly reduces the ease of use. 因 此很多苹果的Fans纷纷直言“iPad不过是个大手机”,甚至连苹果前高管安得利亚斯·哈斯也承认,“iPad根本不是一款平板电脑,而是iPhone 或iPod touch的延伸产品。” 事实显示,中国的平板电脑市场与美国不同。 Fans have so much respect Apple "iPad is a great phone, however," even before Apple executives Andhra利亚斯哈斯admits, "iPad is not a tablet PC, but the iPhone or iPod touch an extension of the product . "The fact is that the Tablet PC market in China and the U.S. different.
iPad 在美国的成功难以在中国复制,平面电脑在美国是娱乐市场,中国却是商务市场。”张学军解释道,“由于中国人对平板电脑的需求不同,从而导致它在美国的市场 和中国有很大的区别。中国有着不同的国情,商务的需求是大于娱乐的需求的,中国商务人群对平板电脑的需求绝不仅仅局限于窄众的娱乐爱好者。在工作、娱乐、 学习已经相互融合的今天,只有满足商务人群对移动办公、学习交流和娱乐休闲三位一体的全新需求,平板电脑的市场容量才能得以快速增长。” "IPad success in the United States is difficult to replicate in China, the plane is the entertainment PC market in the United States, China was the business market." Zhang Xuejun explained, "because the Chinese people on the Tablet PC have different requirements, resulting in a market in the U.S. and China very different. China has a different national conditions, business needs are greater than the demand for entertainment, the Chinese business people on the Tablet PC demand is not just a narrow public entertainment enthusiasts. at work, entertainment, learning has merging of today, only to meet the business people on the mobile office, learning exchanges and recreational needs of Trinity's new, Tablet PC market capacity can be rapid growth. "
汉王平板电脑专为中国新商务人群而生 Hanwang Tablet PC designed for China's new business born population
汉王此次推出 的平板电脑瞄准了中国一个更大的市场——新商务人士。 The launch of the Tablet PC Hanwang targeting a larger market in China - the new business people. 他们是引领社 会发展的中坚阶层,同时也是活跃在各个平台上的主流人群。 They are the backbone of leading sectors of social development is also active in the various platforms on a mainstream. 他们的身份可能是企业高管、公司白领,也可能是工程师、艺术家、创业者等等。 Their status may be corporate executives, corporate white-collar workers, it could be engineers, artists, entrepreneurs and so on. 也正因为这个 中坚阶层起着中流砥柱的作用,因此他们的日程表经常被工作、娱乐和学习充分占据。 Also because of the backbone plays a pillar of strength class, they often work schedule, entertainment and learning to fully occupied. 他们无法清晰 分割办公、娱乐、学习时间,他们在办公中娱乐,在休闲时办公——在工作间隙的时候会上新浪写微博,上开心网玩游戏;在度假的时候也可能会上网收发邮件,或 者和同事在线视频会议。 They can not clearly separate office, entertainment, learning time, they are in office in the entertainment, leisure time in office - the time gap at work at the micro-Bo Sina was the last happy playing of video games; in vacation time may also send and receive Internet e-mail, or online video conferencing and colleagues.
毫无疑问, 汉王TouchPad所瞄准的主流新商务人士是中国最为广泛的IT消费人群,这 批社会主流人群不仅仅是创造社会价值和经济价值的主体,更是在通过他们自身的生活态度和行为方式,来影响更多的人的价值观。 There is no doubt, Hanwang TouchPad by targeting the mainstream of the new business people is the most extensive IT consumer groups, these groups not just the mainstream of society to create social value and economic value of the subject, more in a living through their own attitudes and behavior, to influence more people's values. 他们是中国白领的意见领袖,他们的一举一动有着意义非凡的号召力。 They are the white-collar opinion leaders, they did have a special significance in the appeal. 这个新商务群体所呈现出的轻松自由的跨界生活方式和价值观,正是汉王所倡导的“新商务”精神。 This new business group are shown in the easy and free cross-border lifestyle and values, is Hanwang advocated "new business" spirit. 他们是工作中 的多面手,他们积极进取同时在工作和娱乐中游刃有余、轻松自如。 They work in the versatile, motivated while they work and play in its capability, ease. 汉王 TouchPad的出现正是解决主流人群商务学习娱乐跨界应用的最好产品。 Hanwang TouchPad solution is the emergence of a mainstream entertainment business to learn the best cross-application products.
汉王科技将新 推出的平板电脑TouchPad定位于“新商务”,正是看到这一类人群在中国经济发展中所发挥的主流作用,并专为中国新商务人群需求而设计。 Hanwang Science and Technology launched the new Tablet PC TouchPad located in "new business", is to see the kinds of people Zai China's economic development role played by the mainstream, and new business people in China Zhuanwei Semiconductors. “汉 王作为本土企业,更了解中国国情,更了解新商务人群的生活形态和行为方式” 张学军认为,“汉王TouchPad平板电脑正是以新商务人群随时轻松跨界IT及网络应用的核心需求为出发点,并充分考虑了新商务人群对移动化、随身化、 便捷化的产品要求,设计出的吻合新商务人群办公、学习、娱乐跨界融合生活方式的随行装备。” "Kingship as local enterprises, a better understanding of China's national conditions, better understanding of the new business people living and behavior," Zhang Xuejun that "Kingship TouchPad Tablet PC is easy with a new business group at any time straddling the core of IT and networking applications demand as a starting point, taking full account of the new business people on the mobile, portable, convenient product requirements, design new business agreement out of the crowd of office, learning, entertainment, lifestyle, accompanied by cross-border integration of equipment. "
汉王TouchPad 或让中国成为苹果iPad滑铁卢 Hanwang TouchPad or making China the Apple iPad Waterloo
从产品特性而 言,丰富的产品功能和实用的多种应用以及人性化操作设计使汉王TouchPad无疑成为新商务人士名副其实的随行装备。 From product features, the rich variety of product features and practical design applications, and human operators make Hanwang TouchPad undoubtedly become a true business people accompanying the new equipment. 汉王TouchPad B10、TouchPad B20分别在多点触控和手写识别技术上,与国内其他厂商相比具有无可匹敌的优势。 Hanwang TouchPad B10, TouchPad B20 at multi-touch and handwriting recognition technology, compared to other domestic manufacturers unrivaled advantage. 在配置上,TouchPad分别配备了低功耗高性能的Intel CULV 和Atom处理器,同时预装Windows 7和Windows XP操作系统,并支持80多万个扩展应用程序,满足新商务人群的商务、娱乐、休闲等各类需求。 In the configuration, TouchPad were equipped with low-power high-performance Intel CULV and Atom processor, while Windows 7 and Windows XP pre-installed operating system, and supports more than 80 million expansion of the application, meet new business people business, entertainment , leisure and other kinds of needs. 同 时,汉王TouchPad 预装400套电子杂志,2000本电纸书,同时预装价值8000元的时代光华正版视频讲座。 Meanwhile, 400 sets of pre-installed Hanwang TouchPad electronic magazine, 2000 electric paper books, while the value of 8,000 yuan in the era of pre-installed genuine Guanghua video lectures. 在 平板电脑的细分市场中,苹果占据了娱乐,而汉王占据了空间更大的商务市场,所有的商务功能均是苹果iPad所不具备的,足可见汉王一举占领市场的决心。 In the Tablet PC market segments, Apple accounted for entertainment, but occupy more space Hanwang business market, all the business functions are not available in Apple iPad, less visible determination to dominate the market Hanwang one fell swoop.
分析人士指 出,与汉王TouchPad相比,iPad狭窄的PDA消费市场和在功能应用上的设计局限,进一步压缩了苹果在平板电脑市场的发展空间,它很 可能会是一个昙花一现的过渡性产品。 Analysts pointed out that compared with the Hanwang TouchPad, iPad narrow consumer market, and PDA applications in the design of functional limitations, and further compression of the Apple Tablet PC market space, it is likely to be a short-lived transitional product. 而 平板电脑市场在国内正处于井喷前夜,汉王的TouchPad研发和上市都早于苹果iPad,可谓是先机尽得。 The Tablet PC market in the country is in a blowout night before the TouchPad Hanwang R & D and market are earlier than Apple iPad, can be said to have opportunities to do.
在此次新品发 布会上,汉王通过砸苹果这样的“破冰”形式向人们宣告:汉王先人一步占据平板电脑第一把交椅的决心与信心。 In this new conference, the Kingship by smashing apples such "ice" form to the people declare: Tablet PC Hanwang move faster occupied first chair of the determination and confidence. 有评论认为, 汉王电纸书在中国获得了空前的成功,此次TouchPad的推出更是让汉王真正进入了一个更大的蓝海,即IT消费的主流市场。 There have been comments that the paper book Hanwang electricity was a huge success in China, the introduction of the TouchPad is true for Hanwang into a larger blue sea, that IT spending in the mainstream market. 如果TouchPad能获得电纸书一样的市场追捧,那么它完全有可能让中国成为苹果 iPad的滑铁卢。 If the TouchPad can get the same electricity market pursuit of paper books, it is entirely possible for China to become Apple iPad Waterloo.

Monday, 7 June 2010

汉王召开 TouchPad新商务平板电脑招商大会 Hanwang meeting new business TouchPad Tablet PC Business Alliance Conference

(2010年 6月8日北京)6月8日,“2010年汉王TouchPad新商务平板电脑招商大会”在北京召开,汉王科技总裁张学军、副总裁杜建君、副总裁张健等汉王高 管和两百多家经销商出席此次招商大会。 (June 8, 2010 Beijing) on June 8, "2010 New Business Hanwang TouchPad Tablet PC Business Alliance Conference" held in Beijing, Hanwang Technology Officer Zhang Xuejun, vice president of Du Jianjun, executive vice president Zhang Jian and other Hanwang and more than 200 dealers attended the Investment Conference. 这是汉王在5 月18日高调发布TouchPad平板电脑之后,加快全国平板电脑市场布局的强力信号。 This is Hanwang high profile in the May 18 release TouchPad Tablet PC, the Tablet PC market to speed up the layout of the country strong signal.
据悉,汉王此 次招商数量、范围和行业均远远超过当初电纸书的渠道建设,并且突破原有以IT卖场为核心的渠道构建,加大3C卖场以及非IT渠道的投入。 It is reported that the investment Hanwang number, scope and industry are far more than the original power channel construction paper book, and to break the existing store as the core IT to build a channel to increase channel 3C stores as well as non-IT inputs. 同时,汉王还 将延续在电纸书产品线上的市场营销力度,通过在全国范围内的高频率广告投放以及店面的终端支持,对平板电脑的渠道合作伙伴予以最大的营销支持。 Meanwhile, the Kingship of paper books will continue in electrical products online marketing efforts, through nationwide advertising and store the high frequency end support of the Tablet PC to be the largest channel partner marketing support.
千亿市 场面临井喷平板电脑骤然升温 100 000 000 000 blowout Tablet PC market is facing a sudden warming
平板电脑作为 2010年最为惹眼的前沿消费电子产品,一经推出就备受全球范围的高度关注。 Tablet PC as the most eye-catching of the 2010 consumer electronics front, upon introduction of the much worldwide attention. Gartner预测,全球平板电脑将由2009年的106万台激增到2010年的1005万台,到 2014年,全球平板电脑出货量有望增至4600万台。 Gartner predicted that tablet PCs will be the world's 106 million units in 2009 surged to 10.05 million units in 2010, 2014 Tablet PC shipments worldwide are expected to increase to 46 million units. IMS Research权威数据显示,2010年全球市场规模将达36亿美元。 IMS Research authoritative data, in 2010 the global market will reach 3.6 billion U.S. dollars. 以10倍的速度放量,平板电脑的市场潜力可想而知,加上带动相关产业,整个平板电脑未来将拥有千亿的市 场规模。 10 times the speed of heavy volume, the market potential of Tablet PCs can imagine, with lead-related industries, the future of the Tablet PC will have 100 billion size of the market.
平板电脑整体 消费市场尚未完全成型,却已经吸引众多厂商的青睐。 Tablet PC overall consumer market is not fully formed, it has attracted a number of manufacturers. 继苹果在今年 4月推出iPad之后,汉王在5月推出了TouchPad平板电脑。 Following the launch in April this year, Apple iPad, the Kingship in May launched a TouchPad Tablet PC. 在刚刚结束 的Computex 2010台北电脑展上,华硕、微星、威盛、LG等IT厂商相继推出了自有品牌的平板电脑产品。 In the recently concluded Computex 2010 Taipei Computer Show, Asus, MSI, VIA, LG and other IT vendors have introduced their own brand of Tablet PC product. Intel 也在展会上宣布将在2011年推出专为平板电脑设计的芯片“Oak Trail”,以降低平板电脑的功耗。 Intel also announced that the show will be launched in 2011 designed specifically for the Tablet PC chip "Oak Trail", to reduce the power consumption of tablet PCs. 联想、HP等厂商也已经将平板电脑加入新的产品投放计划当中。 Lenovo, HP and other vendors also have to add a new tablet product launch planned.
不仅如此, 中国三大3G运营商也对平板电脑燃起了浓厚的兴趣。 Moreover, China's three major 3G operators on the Tablet PC also kindled interest. 3月18日, 中国移动总裁王建宙表示,中国移动对苹果公司的iPhone和iPad都有合作兴趣,通过iPad可以拓展其移动阅读业务。 March 18, China Mobile president Wang said China Mobile on the Apple iPhone and iPad are interested in cooperation, by iPad can be read to expand its mobile business. 5月21日,中国联通副总经理李刚表示,中国联通正在就引入iPad事宜与苹果公司进行商谈,但尚未确 定具体时间。 May 21, China Unicom vice president Li Gang said that China Unicom is the introduction of the iPad issues in talks with Apple, but not sure when. 5月25日,中国电信总经理王晓初表示,中国电信目前正在评估市场对iPad的反应,并将随后决定是否 与苹果公司洽谈引入iPad。 May 25, General Manager Wang said China Telecom, China Telecom is currently assessing the market response to iPad, and then decide whether to negotiate with the introduction of Apple's iPad. 电信运营商加 入平板电脑的争夺战,使得中国平板电脑的市场前景更加令人期待。 Tablet PC telecom operators to join the battle, making China the prospects for the Tablet PC more exciting.
众多消费者也表现出了对平板电脑的高关注度和购买欲望。 Large number of consumers have also expressed concern on the high degree of Tablet PC and purchase desire. 苹果iPad在上市两个月即达到200万台的销量,已经证明平板电脑对消费者的巨大诱惑力。 Apple iPad two months in the market that is up to 200 million units sold, tablet PCs has proved a huge attraction for consumers. 而德勤 (Deloitte)会计师事务所的研究数据表明,2010年全球将会有数千万规模的用户购买平板电脑产品。 The Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu (Deloitte) accounting firm research data indicate that 2010 will be the scale of tens of millions of Tablet PC users to buy products.
掌控核心技术汉王打造可持续发展模式 Control of core technology to create sustainable development model Hanwang
事实上,国 内厂商对平板电脑的热衷还不限于此,短短两个月时间,平板电脑市场就出现了各种品牌的产品,价格从几百元到几千元不等,使平板市场的水深浅莫一。 In fact, the domestic manufacturers are keen on the Tablet PC is also not limited to, less than two months, Tablet PC market appeared in a variety of branded products, the price from several hundred dollars to several thousand dollars, to flat panel market Water depth Mok. 但平板电脑并 不是一个简单的数码产品,而是集计算性、便携性、多功能和内容服务为一体的超便携移动互联网终端。 But the Tablet PC is not a simple digital products, but set computing, portability, functionality and content services as one of the ultra-portable mobile Internet terminal.
平板电脑已经从形态和功能上突破了用户对“泛电脑”(包括台式PC、笔记本电脑、上网本等)在核心技术 上的认知。 Tablet form and function has been a breakthrough from the user on the "pan-computer" (including the desktop PC, notebook computers, netbooks, etc.) in the core technical knowledge. 作为新一代的 主流IT产品,平板电脑更多的利用新的核心应用去满足用户在使用需求和操作习惯上的新需求——即手写输入、多指触控、内容丰富等特征。 As a new generation of mainstream IT products, the use of tablet PCs more new core applications to meet the needs of users in the use and operation of the new demands of habit - that handwriting input, multi-finger touch, rich in content and other features. 因此手写识 别、智能触控和内容制造才是平板电脑作为“新IT产品”的核心技术,这是其在满足用户需求的同时,又区别于智能手机和笔记本电脑最为显著的特征。 Therefore, handwriting recognition, intelligent touch and content of manufacturing is the Tablet PC as a "new IT products," core technology, which is to meet customer needs in the same time, smart phones and laptops is different from the most significant features. 谁掌握了这三 项技术,才是真正掌握了平板电脑市场的“命脉”。 Who mastered the three techniques is the real master of the Tablet PC market, "lifeline."
手写识别、智 能触控和内容制造,对于山寨厂商而言无疑是个莫大的挑战。 Handwriting recognition, intelligent touch and content of manufacturing firms in terms of the cottage is no doubt a great challenge. 因此,简单的模仿、抄袭、减少功能、降低做工精细度等手段的使用,便导致了当前几百元所谓平板电脑产品 的存在。 Therefore, the simple imitation, copy, reduce, reduces the work by means of the use of fineness, it led to hundreds of dollars of current so-called tablet computer products exist.
汉王作为全球 率先推出平板电脑产品的厂商,在手写识别、智能触控和内容制造领域,有着无法比拟的技术优势。 Kingship launched the world's first Tablet PC product manufacturer, in handwriting recognition, intelligent touch and content of manufacturing, has unmatched technical superiority. 在手写识别领域,包括诺基亚、三星、索爱在内,全球超过90%的手机厂商在使用汉王授权的手写识别技 术。 In the field of handwriting recognition, including Nokia, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, including the global mobile phone manufacturers more than 90% of Hanwang authorized the use of handwriting recognition technology. 英文、日文、韩文、泰文、俄文等多种外文的手写输入,汉王都有非常好的识别支持。 English, Japanese, Korean, Thai, Russian and other foreign language, handwriting, Kingship has very good recognition support. 在触控领 域,2009年取得占领国内90%以上电子书市场份额的汉王电纸书产品,早已在市场上大获成功的手写板和绘画板产品,证明了汉王在智能触控技术上的成熟应 用,令其他厂商难以企及。 In touch in the field, made in 2009 occupied more than 90% of domestic market share of e-books electronic paper book Hanwang products have long been a big success in the market and drawing board handwritten sheet products, demonstrated in the smart touch technology Hanwang mature application, so that others can not match. 在内容制造领 域,汉王更是游刃有余,获得过国家科技进步奖的OCR技术与应用,可以方便地将纸质资料电子化,汉王电纸书已经充分发挥了这项看家本领。 Manufacturing in the content, Hanwang Geng is its capability, won the National Science Advancement Awards of OCR technology and applications, 可以 easily paper information Electronic Hua, Han Wang Dian paper 书 has performed Le the housekeeping skills. TouchPad 产品已经内置了赠送的400本电子杂志、2000本图书和价值6000元的时代光华工商管理视频课程。 TouchPad products have built-in e-gift 400 magazines, 2,000 books and 6,000 yuan worth of time videos Guanghua MBA courses. 此外,汉王还 与中国文字著作权协会达成协议,对数字内容版权合作达成协议,为用户提供更多的内容支持和服务。 In addition, the Kingship has reached an agreement with the Chinese characters copyright of digital content copyright cooperation agreement to provide more content for the user support and services.
合作共 赢占领平板先机 Win-win cooperation opportunities occupied flat
“渠道为 王”是IT厂商占领市场的不二法宝。 "Channel is king" is the preferred destination for IT companies dominate the market magic. 在电纸书产品 线取得不俗成绩的汉王深谐此道。 The electric line of paper books to obtain satisfactory performance of the Kingship of deep harmony of this Road. 之前,汉王董 事长刘迎建曾多次在公开场合表示,TouchPad是汉王2010年的1号工程,将成为电纸书之外的又一张王牌。 Before Chairman Liu Yingjian Hanwang has repeatedly said in public, TouchPad is Hanwang 2010 on the 1st project, other than paper books will be another call a trump card. 电纸书让很多合作伙伴缔造了财富神话,汉王充分重视渠道合作伙伴和汉王的共同发展,合作共赢将是汉王一 贯秉持的渠道构建基础。 Electric paper books to many of our partners to create a wealth of myths, Hanwang full attention Hanwang channel partners and joint development, cooperation and win-win will always uphold the Hanwang to build a channel basis. 亲自负责 TouchPad项目的汉王总裁张学军介绍了TouchPad的产品定位、新商务市场和竞争优势等宏观战略。 Personally responsible for the project Hanwang TouchPad president Zhang Xuejun introduced TouchPad product positioning, new business markets and competitive advantage and other macro-strategy. 详实的数据和 深入的分析,可以看出汉王做了非常充分的准备。 Detailed data and in-depth analysis, we can see Hanwang done very well prepared.
汉王副总裁杜 建君表示,汉王在平板电脑产品线给予渠道合作伙伴的支持力度将是空前的。 Hanwang Du Jianjun, vice president, said Kingship in the Tablet PC product line to give support to channel partners will be unprecedented. 汉王将在全国 范围内进行高密度高频率的巨额广告投放,包括网络、电视、户外、楼宇、路牌、报纸、杂志等多种载体形式。 Kingship will be conducted throughout the country huge amounts of high density and frequency of advertising, including Internet, television, outdoor, building, road signs, newspapers, magazines and other forms of multiple carriers. 同时,汉王 还将会对终端店面给予最大的支持,内容将不局限于店面装修等简单的支持政策。 Meanwhile, the terminal will store Hanwang will give maximum support, the content will not be limited to the simple decoration store support policy.
在渠道建设 上,平板电脑也将突破原有以IT卖场为核心的渠道构建,加大3C卖场以及非IT渠道的投入。 In the channel construction, the Tablet PC will break the existing store as the core to IT to build a channel to increase channel 3C stores as well as non-IT inputs. 汉王副总裁 张健认为,TouchPad在产品形态和功能应用上,决定了其不是一款简单IT产品。 Han Wang Jian, vice president that, TouchPad morphology and function in the product application, determine its not a simple IT products. 因此,除原有 的渠道外,3C卖场和非IT渠道以及网络渠道都将是渠道招募的重点。 Therefore, in addition to existing channels, 3C stores and non-IT channels and network channels will be the focus of recruitment channels.
张健进一步表 示,平板电脑的渠道建设将以北京、上海、广州、天津四大销售平台为核心,辐射东北、华北、华东、华南、华中以及西南六大区域。 Zhang Jian further said that the Tablet PC's channel construction will be in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Tianjin, four sales platform as the core, radiation northeast, north, east, south, central and southwest region six. 以原有的 IT卖场渠道(包括电脑城)为基础,新增3C卖场、行业渠道,并允许直营店和网络渠道模式的存在。 To the original IT store channels (including Computer City), based on new 3C, trade channels and channel models to allow direct sales stores and online presence. 同时由于电 纸书业务的资源支持,平板电脑将会构建包括新华书店在内的图书渠道。 At the same time as power resources to support the business paper books, tablet PCs will be built, including books, including the Xinhua bookstore channels. 而且,汉王将 严禁渠道商之间相互串货,最大化各个区域和领域的合作伙伴的经营利益。 Moreover, the Kingship will be prohibited between channel changing products business, to maximize the area of regional and business interests of partners

汉王召开 TouchPad新商务平板电脑招商大会 Hanwang meeting new business TouchPad Tablet PC Business Alliance Conference

(2010年 6月8日北京)6月8日,“2010年汉王TouchPad新商务平板电脑招商大会”在北京召开,汉王科技总裁张学军、副总裁杜建君、副总裁张健等汉王高 管和两百多家经销商出席此次招商大会。 (June 8, 2010 Beijing) on June 8, "2010 New Business Hanwang TouchPad Tablet PC Business Alliance Conference" held in Beijing, Hanwang Technology Officer Zhang Xuejun, vice president of Du Jianjun, executive vice president Zhang Jian and other Hanwang and more than 200 dealers attended the Investment Conference. 这是汉王在5 月18日高调发布TouchPad平板电脑之后,加快全国平板电脑市场布局的强力信号。 This is Hanwang high profile in the May 18 release TouchPad Tablet PC, the Tablet PC market to speed up the layout of the country strong signal.
据悉,汉王此 次招商数量、范围和行业均远远超过当初电纸书的渠道建设,并且突破原有以IT卖场为核心的渠道构建,加大3C卖场以及非IT渠道的投入。 It is reported that the investment Hanwang number, scope and industry are far more than the original power channel construction paper book, and to break the existing store as the core IT to build a channel to increase channel 3C stores as well as non-IT inputs. 同时,汉王还 将延续在电纸书产品线上的市场营销力度,通过在全国范围内的高频率广告投放以及店面的终端支持,对平板电脑的渠道合作伙伴予以最大的营销支持。 Meanwhile, the Kingship of paper books will continue in electrical products online marketing efforts, through nationwide advertising and store the high frequency end support of the Tablet PC to be the largest channel partner marketing support.
千亿市 场面临井喷平板电脑骤然升温 100 000 000 000 blowout Tablet PC market is facing a sudden warming
平板电脑作为 2010年最为惹眼的前沿消费电子产品,一经推出就备受全球范围的高度关注。 Tablet PC as the most eye-catching of the 2010 consumer electronics front, upon introduction of the much worldwide attention. Gartner预测,全球平板电脑将由2009年的106万台激增到2010年的1005万台,到 2014年,全球平板电脑出货量有望增至4600万台。 Gartner predicted that tablet PCs will be the world's 106 million units in 2009 surged to 10.05 million units in 2010, 2014 Tablet PC shipments worldwide are expected to increase to 46 million units. IMS Research权威数据显示,2010年全球市场规模将达36亿美元。 IMS Research authoritative data, in 2010 the global market will reach 3.6 billion U.S. dollars. 以10倍的速度放量,平板电脑的市场潜力可想而知,加上带动相关产业,整个平板电脑未来将拥有千亿的市 场规模。 10 times the speed of heavy volume, the market potential of Tablet PCs can imagine, with lead-related industries, the future of the Tablet PC will have 100 billion size of the market.
平板电脑整体 消费市场尚未完全成型,却已经吸引众多厂商的青睐。 Tablet PC overall consumer market is not fully formed, it has attracted a number of manufacturers. 继苹果在今年 4月推出iPad之后,汉王在5月推出了TouchPad平板电脑。 Following the launch in April this year, Apple iPad, the Kingship in May launched a TouchPad Tablet PC. 在刚刚结束 的Computex 2010台北电脑展上,华硕、微星、威盛、LG等IT厂商相继推出了自有品牌的平板电脑产品。 In the recently concluded Computex 2010 Taipei Computer Show, Asus, MSI, VIA, LG and other IT vendors have introduced their own brand of Tablet PC product. Intel 也在展会上宣布将在2011年推出专为平板电脑设计的芯片“Oak Trail”,以降低平板电脑的功耗。 Intel also announced that the show will be launched in 2011 designed specifically for the Tablet PC chip "Oak Trail", to reduce the power consumption of tablet PCs. 联想、HP等厂商也已经将平板电脑加入新的产品投放计划当中。 Lenovo, HP and other vendors also have to add a new tablet product launch planned.
不仅如此, 中国三大3G运营商也对平板电脑燃起了浓厚的兴趣。 Moreover, China's three major 3G operators on the Tablet PC also kindled interest. 3月18日, 中国移动总裁王建宙表示,中国移动对苹果公司的iPhone和iPad都有合作兴趣,通过iPad可以拓展其移动阅读业务。 March 18, China Mobile president Wang said China Mobile on the Apple iPhone and iPad are interested in cooperation, by iPad can be read to expand its mobile business. 5月21日,中国联通副总经理李刚表示,中国联通正在就引入iPad事宜与苹果公司进行商谈,但尚未确 定具体时间。 May 21, China Unicom vice president Li Gang said that China Unicom is the introduction of the iPad issues in talks with Apple, but not sure when. 5月25日,中国电信总经理王晓初表示,中国电信目前正在评估市场对iPad的反应,并将随后决定是否 与苹果公司洽谈引入iPad。 May 25, General Manager Wang said China Telecom, China Telecom is currently assessing the market response to iPad, and then decide whether to negotiate with the introduction of Apple's iPad. 电信运营商加 入平板电脑的争夺战,使得中国平板电脑的市场前景更加令人期待。 Tablet PC telecom operators to join the battle, making China the prospects for the Tablet PC more exciting.
众多消费者也表现出了对平板电脑的高关注度和购买欲望。 Large number of consumers have also expressed concern on the high degree of Tablet PC and purchase desire. 苹果iPad在上市两个月即达到200万台的销量,已经证明平板电脑对消费者的巨大诱惑力。 Apple iPad two months in the market that is up to 200 million units sold, tablet PCs has proved a huge attraction for consumers. 而德勤 (Deloitte)会计师事务所的研究数据表明,2010年全球将会有数千万规模的用户购买平板电脑产品。 The Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu (Deloitte) accounting firm research data indicate that 2010 will be the scale of tens of millions of Tablet PC users to buy products.
掌控核心技术汉王打造可持续发展模式 Control of core technology to create sustainable development model Hanwang
事实上,国 内厂商对平板电脑的热衷还不限于此,短短两个月时间,平板电脑市场就出现了各种品牌的产品,价格从几百元到几千元不等,使平板市场的水深浅莫一。 In fact, the domestic manufacturers are keen on the Tablet PC is also not limited to, less than two months, Tablet PC market appeared in a variety of branded products, the price from several hundred dollars to several thousand dollars, to flat panel market Water depth Mok. 但平板电脑并 不是一个简单的数码产品,而是集计算性、便携性、多功能和内容服务为一体的超便携移动互联网终端。 But the Tablet PC is not a simple digital products, but set computing, portability, functionality and content services as one of the ultra-portable mobile Internet terminal.
平板电脑已经从形态和功能上突破了用户对“泛电脑”(包括台式PC、笔记本电脑、上网本等)在核心技术 上的认知。 Tablet form and function has been a breakthrough from the user on the "pan-computer" (including the desktop PC, notebook computers, netbooks, etc.) in the core technical knowledge. 作为新一代的 主流IT产品,平板电脑更多的利用新的核心应用去满足用户在使用需求和操作习惯上的新需求——即手写输入、多指触控、内容丰富等特征。 As a new generation of mainstream IT products, the use of tablet PCs more new core applications to meet the needs of users in the use and operation of the new demands of habit - that handwriting input, multi-finger touch, rich in content and other features. 因此手写识 别、智能触控和内容制造才是平板电脑作为“新IT产品”的核心技术,这是其在满足用户需求的同时,又区别于智能手机和笔记本电脑最为显著的特征。 Therefore, handwriting recognition, intelligent touch and content of manufacturing is the Tablet PC as a "new IT products," core technology, which is to meet customer needs in the same time, smart phones and laptops is different from the most significant features. 谁掌握了这三 项技术,才是真正掌握了平板电脑市场的“命脉”。 Who mastered the three techniques is the real master of the Tablet PC market, "lifeline."
手写识别、智 能触控和内容制造,对于山寨厂商而言无疑是个莫大的挑战。 Handwriting recognition, intelligent touch and content of manufacturing firms in terms of the cottage is no doubt a great challenge. 因此,简单的模仿、抄袭、减少功能、降低做工精细度等手段的使用,便导致了当前几百元所谓平板电脑产品 的存在。 Therefore, the simple imitation, copy, reduce, reduces the work by means of the use of fineness, it led to hundreds of dollars of current so-called tablet computer products exist.
汉王作为全球 率先推出平板电脑产品的厂商,在手写识别、智能触控和内容制造领域,有着无法比拟的技术优势。 Kingship launched the world's first Tablet PC product manufacturer, in handwriting recognition, intelligent touch and content of manufacturing, has unmatched technical superiority. 在手写识别领域,包括诺基亚、三星、索爱在内,全球超过90%的手机厂商在使用汉王授权的手写识别技 术。 In the field of handwriting recognition, including Nokia, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, including the global mobile phone manufacturers more than 90% of Hanwang authorized the use of handwriting recognition technology. 英文、日文、韩文、泰文、俄文等多种外文的手写输入,汉王都有非常好的识别支持。 English, Japanese, Korean, Thai, Russian and other foreign language, handwriting, Kingship has very good recognition support. 在触控领 域,2009年取得占领国内90%以上电子书市场份额的汉王电纸书产品,早已在市场上大获成功的手写板和绘画板产品,证明了汉王在智能触控技术上的成熟应 用,令其他厂商难以企及。 In touch in the field, made in 2009 occupied more than 90% of domestic market share of e-books electronic paper book Hanwang products have long been a big success in the market and drawing board handwritten sheet products, demonstrated in the smart touch technology Hanwang mature application, so that others can not match. 在内容制造领 域,汉王更是游刃有余,获得过国家科技进步奖的OCR技术与应用,可以方便地将纸质资料电子化,汉王电纸书已经充分发挥了这项看家本领。 Manufacturing in the content, Hanwang Geng is its capability, won the National Science Advancement Awards of OCR technology and applications, 可以 easily paper information Electronic Hua, Han Wang Dian paper 书 has performed Le the housekeeping skills. TouchPad 产品已经内置了赠送的400本电子杂志、2000本图书和价值6000元的时代光华工商管理视频课程。 TouchPad products have built-in e-gift 400 magazines, 2,000 books and 6,000 yuan worth of time videos Guanghua MBA courses. 此外,汉王还 与中国文字著作权协会达成协议,对数字内容版权合作达成协议,为用户提供更多的内容支持和服务。 In addition, the Kingship has reached an agreement with the Chinese characters copyright of digital content copyright cooperation agreement to provide more content for the user support and services.
合作共 赢占领平板先机 Win-win cooperation opportunities occupied flat
“渠道为 王”是IT厂商占领市场的不二法宝。 "Channel is king" is the preferred destination for IT companies dominate the market magic. 在电纸书产品 线取得不俗成绩的汉王深谐此道。 The electric line of paper books to obtain satisfactory performance of the Kingship of deep harmony of this Road. 之前,汉王董 事长刘迎建曾多次在公开场合表示,TouchPad是汉王2010年的1号工程,将成为电纸书之外的又一张王牌。 Before Chairman Liu Yingjian Hanwang has repeatedly said in public, TouchPad is Hanwang 2010 on the 1st project, other than paper books will be another call a trump card. 电纸书让很多合作伙伴缔造了财富神话,汉王充分重视渠道合作伙伴和汉王的共同发展,合作共赢将是汉王一 贯秉持的渠道构建基础。 Electric paper books to many of our partners to create a wealth of myths, Hanwang full attention Hanwang channel partners and joint development, cooperation and win-win will always uphold the Hanwang to build a channel basis. 亲自负责 TouchPad项目的汉王总裁张学军介绍了TouchPad的产品定位、新商务市场和竞争优势等宏观战略。 Personally responsible for the project Hanwang TouchPad president Zhang Xuejun introduced TouchPad product positioning, new business markets and competitive advantage and other macro-strategy. 详实的数据和 深入的分析,可以看出汉王做了非常充分的准备。 Detailed data and in-depth analysis, we can see Hanwang done very well prepared.
汉王副总裁杜 建君表示,汉王在平板电脑产品线给予渠道合作伙伴的支持力度将是空前的。 Hanwang Du Jianjun, vice president, said Kingship in the Tablet PC product line to give support to channel partners will be unprecedented. 汉王将在全国 范围内进行高密度高频率的巨额广告投放,包括网络、电视、户外、楼宇、路牌、报纸、杂志等多种载体形式。 Kingship will be conducted throughout the country huge amounts of high density and frequency of advertising, including Internet, television, outdoor, building, road signs, newspapers, magazines and other forms of multiple carriers. 同时,汉王 还将会对终端店面给予最大的支持,内容将不局限于店面装修等简单的支持政策。 Meanwhile, the terminal will store Hanwang will give maximum support, the content will not be limited to the simple decoration store support policy.
在渠道建设 上,平板电脑也将突破原有以IT卖场为核心的渠道构建,加大3C卖场以及非IT渠道的投入。 In the channel construction, the Tablet PC will break the existing store as the core to IT to build a channel to increase channel 3C stores as well as non-IT inputs. 汉王副总裁 张健认为,TouchPad在产品形态和功能应用上,决定了其不是一款简单IT产品。 Han Wang Jian, vice president that, TouchPad morphology and function in the product application, determine its not a simple IT products. 因此,除原有 的渠道外,3C卖场和非IT渠道以及网络渠道都将是渠道招募的重点。 Therefore, in addition to existing channels, 3C stores and non-IT channels and network channels will be the focus of recruitment channels.
张健进一步表 示,平板电脑的渠道建设将以北京、上海、广州、天津四大销售平台为核心,辐射东北、华北、华东、华南、华中以及西南六大区域。 Zhang Jian further said that the Tablet PC's channel construction will be in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Tianjin, four sales platform as the core, radiation northeast, north, east, south, central and southwest region six. 以原有的 IT卖场渠道(包括电脑城)为基础,新增3C卖场、行业渠道,并允许直营店和网络渠道模式的存在。 To the original IT store channels (including Computer City), based on new 3C, trade channels and channel models to allow direct sales stores and online presence. 同时由于电 纸书业务的资源支持,平板电脑将会构建包括新华书店在内的图书渠道。 At the same time as power resources to support the business paper books, tablet PCs will be built, including books, including the Xinhua bookstore channels. 而且,汉王将 严禁渠道商之间相互串货,最大化各个区域和领域的合作伙伴的经营利益。 Moreover, the Kingship will be prohibited between channel changing products business, to maximize the area of regional and business interests of partners

汉王 TouchPad B10系列通过中国质量认证中心节能认证 Hanwang TouchPad B10 series of energy saving through the certification of China Quality Certification Center

Hanwang website said: warm Zhuhe Han Wang TouchPad B10 series through energy certification

在总裁办、知识产权部、测试部等多部门的大力配合与支持下,汉王TouchPad新商务平板电脑之 B10系列于6月27日完成验厂,6月29日正式获得中国质量认证中心颁发的《中国节能产品认证证书》,拿到了政府采购的入场券,为全国经销商参与政府采 购铺平了道路。 In the President's Office, Intellectual Property Department, Testing Division and other strong multi-sectoral cooperation and support of new business Hanwang TouchPad tablet of B10 series on June 27 to complete the audit, on June 29 officially issued by China Quality Certification Center "China Energy Conservation Product Certification", to get the government procurement of tickets for the national dealers to participate in paving the way for government procurement.

附证书扫描件: Scanned documents attached to the certificate:

Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Hanvon Inteviewed at Computex 2010's Tai Pan gets up close and personal with a Hanvon representative at Computex 2010.